See All My Writing Below
You can read all of my posts below in the reverse order of when they were originally posted (newest first). However, be aware that my intention is not to post on a regular basis. Rather, I intend to post as needed an UPDATE existing content to ensure it is always relevant.
To that end, you may find it more convenient to browse these posts by topic (feature coming soon!)
Marketing (click here)
Leadership (click here)
Management (click here)
Operations (link coming soon)
The Foundational Org Chart
We’ve all seen traditional org charts with the CEO or President of an organization standing alone at the top of the chart and lines reaching down through various levels to the “bottom” of the company. We can do a lot better.
Leading A Team In 6 Steps
Be friendly, but keep your goals in mind. Be clear about expectations, but don’t be rigid. Be understanding, but not a doormat. If you are focused on the goals of your team and organization and achieving your mission, your team will be as well.